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Calendar by Lois

Thank you to a subscriber of my dose for the above picture today which she has given me permission to publish. She tells me this was taken in the middle of 1900 sometime. It is the only picture she has of her grandmother. Her grandmother had a daughter after her Dad was born and it was then she lost her leg from what they called milk leg. Milk leg also known as Phlebitis; a painful swelling of the leg soon after childbirth, due to thrombosis of the large veins; Painful swelling of the leg beginning at the ankle and ascending or at the groin and extending down the thigh... its usual cause is infection after labor. She crawled around most of the time as she aged unable to use her crutches. Her last child was born in 1903 or 1904 and it was after that when she lost her leg. It surely is a clear picture of just how things were back then. Makes me realize just how lucky we all are to have all the wonderful things that make up our lives today.

{ Added note from me: if anyone has a old picture they would like to share with me and don't mind it being published, send it to me. The older the better. I will not promise to publish each one I receive, but I will take a look and go from there. A little background included will be up to you as well. }

Someday everything will make perfect sense,
so for now:
laugh at the confusion, smile through
the tears and keep reminding yourself that 

everything happens for a reason.
~ Unknown

As each moment of life arrives with its unique

and never-before-tasted flavor, smile and let it be.

Then proceed to make it a masterpiece.

~ Unknown

No matter what you might be going thru,

the  ending will be greater than it's beginning.

As long as you still breath , you have a purpose,

to fulfill  and usually the one who gets in the, way 

of that fulfillment is your own self. So let go of your

fears Get up , and get out of your own way.

~ Unknown

Some of the most powerful and valuable things in life are
the things that never get used up. Indeed, those things such
as love, integrity, truth, compassion and wisdom become more
plentiful the more they're used.

Ralph Marston

In places of darkness, even a small light can make

an enormous positive difference. When the situation

seems hopeless, that’s precisely when acting on hope

can turn things around.

Ralph Marston

Whatever may be, whatever may happen,

lift your head high with thankfulness and

enthusiasm. For when you so choose,

the best is yet to come.

Ralph Marston

The victories bring joy, and new opportunities.

The defeats bring wisdom, strength, determination,

and new opportunities.

Ralph Marston

Every life will have its share of unfortunate situations,

but that is certainly no reason to cower in fear or to

become consumed with anxiety. Rather, you have

every reason to move confidently forward. Whatever

life may take from you will never be able to deplete

the good and valuable things you have to give.

— Ralph Marston


3 - Cheese Pizza Snack Mix

5 cups Kellogg's® Crispix® cereal
5 cups Sunshine® Cheez-It® White Cheddar crackers
5 cups pretzel nuggets
1/4 cup vegetable oil
1/3 cup grated, reduced fat Parmesan cheese
4 teaspoons dry spaghetti sauce mix
2 teaspoons garlic powder
2 teaspoons Italian seasoning

1. In 2-gallon, zipper-type, plastic bag combine KELLOGG'S CRISPIX cereal, SUNSHINE CHEEZ-IT crackers and pretzel nuggets.

2. Pour oil over cereal mixture. Close bag and gently toss until evenly coated.

3. In small bowl combine remaining ingredients. Add to cereal mixture. Close bag. Gently toss until evenly coated. Store in airtight container.

Today, my 3 favorite candies!

Reese Cups


Hershey Kisses

Feel free to share a case

with me anytime!



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One tree can start a forest; one smile can start a friendship.       
            One touch can show you care; one friend like you can make life  
             worth living for. I’m leaving my foot prints so that you can
        remember I’m in your inbox & I’m in your heart.


Thank you for joining me today! I hope you will

visit again tomorrow as I welcome in the

weekend. Be safe, be always aware of everything

and everyone around you. Have a good one!

 "Happy Trails To You"





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Again, no material on this website should be taken and used for profit.