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I've learned that sometimes, the things we want to forget,
Are the things that we most need to talk about ..

Family and old friends
Are the most important people in the entire world ...
without them, you wouldn't be who you are today ...

Someday everything will make perfect sense,
for for now laugh at the confusion, smile through
the tears and keep reminding yourself that
everything happens for a reason.

Live fully the richness of this day, and give it the best that you have.
Nurture your best possibilities, and they grow even better.
~Ralph Marston~

  Like the person you have become. You will not live forever, but while you are still here, do not waste time lamenting what could have been, or worrying about what will be. And eat dessert every day (if you want).

No matter what you might be going thru, the  ending will be
greater than it's beginning.
As long as you still breath ,
you have a purpose,
to fulfill  and usually the one who gets
in the,
way  of that fulfillment is your own self. So let go
of your fears,
get up, and get out of your own way.

Empty out old dead thoughts and be reborn
in mind and spirit. That experience
 will make you come alive.

Almost Heaven Cake 
1 box yellow cake mix
1 20 oz. Can crushed pineapple
2 cups cold milk
1 4oz. Box instant vanilla pudding mix
1 8-oz. Cream cheese, softened
12 oz. Cool Whip

Prepare and bake cake mix according to package directions for 9 x 13
Dish.  When done, pierce cake with fork.

Pour pineapple with juice over cake.  Combine milk and pudding mix in bowl.  After beating well, blend in cream cheese.  Spread over pineapple.  Top with Cool Whip.  Can garnish with chopped pecans or coconut.

My Head tag by Renate

I hope everyone had a good weekend. Mine was good.
We attended the Ohio State football Spring game and I
really think they should have titled it "Winter" game. Oh
my, we about froze! Weather here has turned very chilly
and dreary - so here is hoping for nicer weather soon
as I am ready to get on with Summer!
I wish you all a good week. I will be back on
Friday if not before, and remember to always be
safe and be aware of everything and everyone
around you at all times. Thank you for the continued
notes and friendship. Till the next time:

♫ " Happy Trails To You " ♫

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