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A Great Place To Be Inspired

and again today, here is another ...

If you like Lois's calendars,

let her know!

E-Mail her HERE

Before I continue on with the routine inserts in my dose,

I want to let you all know of a mailing that might help fill

the void on the days I do not publish. The below gal sends

Monday thru Friday and her mailing comes via e-mail and is

loaded with goodies each day. I am still getting notes on

how much you are missing my doses every day and I

do appreciate the understanding and it is nice to know

I am missed! Many of you wrote yesterday

to tell me how happy you were to see a Thursday dose. As

promised I will do them when I can. So without further

rambling, here is her name, and the email contact

you will need to join her mailing list.

Thank you ...

Janey's Tags and Things


Put subscribe in the subject line

Follow your dream ...

if you stumble, don't stop

and lose sight of your goal,

press on to the top.

For only on top

can we see the whole view ...

~ Amanda Bradley

Go forth today, anticipate goodness.

Create the kind of moments that will

add beauty to your life.

~ Unknown

Somewhere along the line of development we discover

what we really area, and then we make our real decision

for which we are responsible. Make that decision

primarily for yourself because you can never really

live anyone else's life, not even your own child's.

The influence you exert is through your own life

and what you become yourself.

~ Eleanor Roosevelt

To have someone who brings out the colors of life and

whose very presence offers tranquility and

contentment enriches my being and makes me

grateful for the opportunity to share.

~ Katheleen Tierney Crilly

The smiling faces you encounter today --

will assure you that all is well.

~ Unknown

As you look forward to the hours ahead, remember that

you control your actions toward others. If you want to

be remembered fondly, you must treat each person so.

~ Unknown

I have found that sitting in a place where you have

never sat before can be inspiring.

~ Dodie Smith

Cheesecake Dip
For Strawberries

8 ounces cream cheese -- softened
1/3 cup sugar
1 egg -- beaten
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 quart Strawberries -- fresh

Mix the cream cheese and the sugar well.
Add the beaten egg and the vanilla; mix well.
Microwave for 1 minute and stir. Microwave
another minute and stir again. Repeat this
until the dip reaches the desired consistency.
Be sure to scrape the sides of the bowl
when you beat. This dip can be served warm or cold.
You may  spoon the dip over sliced strawberries
or dip whole berries in.


Above is the link to read any

updates I do daily reference my Dad.

Thank you for the prayers!

 Well, another week has come and gone.
 I hope everyone had a good one. Thanks for joining
 me today. I would also like to thank you for the many
wonderful emails and notes in my guest book that I
continue to receive. I so appreciate hearing from you.
 Please join me again Monday. Be safe and be always
 aware of everything and everyone
around you.

♫ " Happy Trails To You " ♫

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Thank you