
To pause music, click on the left

      side of the player, to resume, re-click.



I love quotes and often quote others

to better express myself ....

Do what makes you happy.

Look upon what gives you joy.
Speak to those who warm your heart

Listen to that which lifts your spirit.

Surround yourself with sights and sounds
and people who give you pleasure.

For all the happiness you give to others.
Give yourself a perfect day.

Use a (clean) dustpan to

fill a container that doesn't

fit in the sink!



Thanks for stopping by today and for all the

wonderful notes I have received! Hope everyone

had a good weekend. Our weather here in Ohio was

wonderful. If anyone had any graduation parties planned,

they sure could not have ordered-up better weather!

Here is wishing you each a good day filled with

good things - do be safe and be aware of everything

and everyone around you. Join me again tomorrow!

Till then ....


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