June 1, 2012


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June Quotation

Then let us, one and all,

be contented with our lot;

The June is here this morning,

and the sun is shining hot;

Oh! let us fill our hearts up

with the glory of the day,

Source: James Whitcomb Riley


Once again, I would like to thank Lois for the

many calendars she has made for me and my

Daily Dose for all to enjoy. If you see something

you like, let her know! She has some prettty

June ones made already, so watch for all of

them in the coming days ....

According to the Georgian calendar, which is used over most of the world today, June is the sixth month. On the Roman calendar, it was considered the fourth month and had only 29 days. Julius Ceasar gave the month 30 days in 46 B.C., when he reformed the Roman calendar.

Spring ends and summer begins around June 20, or 22 in the Northern Hemisphere. It's the time that the flowers are beautiful. It is especially the month for roses. In the Southern hemisphere, winter begins during June, and it brings cold, rainy weather to this part of the world.

Flag day is observed in the United States on June 14. It commemorates the day in 1777 when the Continental Congress adopted the Stars and Stripes as our flag. It then had only 13 stars, to match its 13 stripes.

It's not an official national holiday, but in Pennsylvania, it is a legal holiday. The President has proclaimed a public flag day observance every year. It was first observed to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the selection of the flag. President Harry S. Truman officially recognized June 14 as Flag Day by signing the National Flag Day Bill.

Gems for June are the pearl,

Alexandrite & Moonstone.

The rose is the flower for the month.

I love quotes and often quote others

to better express myself ....

It almost sounds too simple to feel important,

but understanding the power of gratitude can

change your life forever.

Sarah Breathnach said it best...

"When we choose not to focus on what

is missing from our lives but are

grateful for the abundance that's

present...we experience

heaven on earth."

Every time you tear a leaf off a

calendar, you present a new place

for new ideas and progress ....


For those first morning viewers, thank you for your

patience in my page being published today. My website

was running slow and not uploading half the time, so it

took me longer than usual to put together a page. Anyway,

here I am - and here is June! Enjoy this first day of the

month - and be safe in all you do. Be aware of everything

and everyone around you. Have a good weekend and

please do join me again on Monday. Till then, I wish ....


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