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I quote others to better express myself

"No one has yet fully realized the wealth of

sympathy, kindness and generosity hidden in

the soul of a child. The effort of every true

education should be to unlock that treasure."
-Emma Goldman

"Thousands of candles can be lighted from
a single candle, and the life of the candle
will not be shortened. Happiness never
decreases by being shared."  

"Remember that you are needed. There is at
least one important work to be done that
will not be done unless you do it."

-Charles L. Allen

Do what makes you happy. 

Look upon what gives you joy. 
Speak to those who warm you.

Listen to that which lifts your spirit. 

Surround yourself with sights and sounds 
and people who give you pleasure.

For all the happiness you give to others. 
Give yourself a perfect day.


Hello and happy Wednesday. So glad to be back to publishing

a page daily. Many of you have thought something was wrong, or

things were not going okay for me and my life. Please know that

nothing is further from the truth. All is good and I am highly

blessed! I have just had other things taking up my time and as

we all know -- our time can only be stretched so far. I am continuing

to receive the utmost awesome notes and entries in my guest book

from a lot of subscribers. While I just cannot answer each and every

one - please, KNOW that I have gotten them and again I have been

touched daily. My cup is overflowing and how wonderful that is!!

Thank you all again. WOW!

Have a good day - remember to be safe and always aware

of everything and everyone around you. Till tomorrow, I wish:



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