
 To stop the music, simply click on the left two bars on the above player. Click again to resume.

Here is a great place to be inspired
and you will always find our eagle flying,
our American flag waving and flowers in bloom.

Please always view and read my pages entirely. I sometimes
add what I feel is important information that I want to share
in my note and change things at the bottom of my
pages from time to time. Thank you.

Calendar Today By Lois

Abandoned Places and Things

Maxine Today

My Picks For Today

Thoughts N Quotes

Crock Pot Cheesy
Potatoes Italian Style

6 potatoes (diced)

1 package Italian seasoning

1 c. Cheddar (shredded)

Water to fill

Put potatoes and Italian seasoning in slow

cooker and put water to the top of them.

Cook: Low 6 to 8 hours

Add cheddar.

Cook: High 30 minutes to 1 hour.

House Mouse

Daily Scripture

Support Our Troops

Thank you for your service

Please take a moment daily
to click & care ...

Thank you for joining me today.
I always enjoy comments in my
guest book. Feel free to view or
sign, just click below.

I do hope everyone had a good weekend. Mine was
surely a mixed bag with good and not so good.
First my Dad is in the hospital and is facing
some more issues reference the wound on his
foot that will not heal.  I will not go into the story,
but will do brief updates as I can. Please know
that all prayers are appreciated.
I am posting this because many of you have asked.
He is 87.
On a lighter note .........
both our high school and Ohio State Buckeyes
won their football games. VICTORY!
Now, I have saved the best for last - EXCITING!

The good news is we went car shopping and we
are now the proud owners of a 2013 Kia Exclaim
Soul. Here is a picture of it .......

When I think back of the cars we had, and the hardships we
endured with cars and the expense of owning one and
keeping them going, well, we have come a long way,
worked hard, and I am very proud and lucky to now
have a brand new car. It is so exciting and I just love the red!
This is the car with the advertisement of those
silly ham-sters riding and rocking and rolling in it.
 I tried to take them home, but the dealership
said "not today" - :-))
Now, I will be quiet with personal issues,
as this is not the purpose of my daily dose -
so thank you for being here. There may be
some upcoming days of no publication, as we all know
all to well, sometimes real life has a way of taking
us away from or normal routines. So just keep
in touch and I will always try and pass along updates.

Take care and now, do have a good Monday and
remember to always be safe in being
aware of everything and everyone around you.

 Till another
time, I always wish ....


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to do that? Just pass along the below link(s). My

pages are like any other website that you can

visit 24-7. Just make sure and tell folks to

just click on the link and use the menu at

the top of each of my pages to find their

way around - thank you!




.... and the below link will take
them straight to the
 October monthly calendar ......




Disclaimer - Please read ..

Everything on my pages is obtained from talented others

and the Internet. I do not claim anything to be my own.

No copyright infringements are intended by the use of

anything on my pages. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C.

Section 107, any copyrighted work on this website is

distributed under fair use without profit to those who

have expressed a prior interest in receiving the

included information for non-profit research.

This includes the music. It is to be enjoyed on this website

for evaluation purposes only and again no financial gains

are to be made by its distribution. Songs are copyrighted

to their respective companies and artists.

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